Activating efficiency

Are your staff working at peak capacity and efficiency? If not, you might need to talk to Mi Staff Solutions, specialists in enterprise workforce optimisation. They asked The Website Engineer to create an interactive, dynamic website that harnesses the visual power of puzzle pieces to reinforce how they work with enterprise teams to maximise efficiency – so we got to work.

Quality is the top priority

Days from start to website going live
Internal pages without reloading
Remote meetings with Mi Staff Solutions

Conceptual Design Samples

Remote development is one of our specialities

Mi Staff’s new website is light, versatile and direct. The team deployed the website to production within 30 days of the first brief and only required two remote meetings to complete production. It was a simple, seamless collaboration between Cape Town and Pretoria that we enjoyed working on.

Smart and fast – very fast

The Website Engineer created a stunning, dynamic interface that allows potential clients to navigate through a ‘puzzle’ of services that goes in three levels deep. The magic comes in allowing the user can access 16 different internal pages without the need for the website to load a new page – it’s a seamless design that emphasises speed and makes for a very satisfying user experience. It’s a technique that we’re getting a growing number of requests for from clients, and is becoming more standard in digital world where we’re increasingly pressed for time.